Spring in the gardens


There's something new in every season

Photography and Filming Policy

Visitors are welcome to take informal “vacation style” non-flash photography and video in the visitor center, mansion, all garden spaces, and the greenhouse for personal, non-commercial/non promotional use. Please refrain from any photography in special exhibition spaces (dacha and/or Adirondack building).

Hillwood does not permit formal photography without prior arrangement. 

Photography is considered formal if:

  • There is a designated photographer (paid or unpaid)
  • The primary purpose of the visit is to take photos of you or your group
  • Subjects are in formal dress or costumes
  • The photography impacts the experience of other visitors

Visitors may use small, hand-held cameras or personal cellular devices. Photographic equipment (flashes, tripods, reflectors, models, costumes, large video cameras) are prohibited in all spaces, although tripods may be used in the gardens. Please note, the use of selfie sticks is prohibited inside all interior spaces of Hillwood.

Photography and video is allowed for personal use only. Photographs and video may not be published, sold, promoted, reproduced, or otherwise commercially used in any manner whatsoever. Hillwood reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises.

Arranging a Formal Photography Session
Engagement and other professional photography can be scheduled by appointment at a rate of $300 per hour with a one-hour minimum. Formal photography is not permitted in the mansion or exhibition spaces. Other guidelines and restrictions apply. For details, please contact visitor services at [email protected] or 202.686.5807. Please note that wedding photography is not permitted. Weddings, wedding receptions, ceremonies, and other private events are not permitted at Hillwood.

Photography Rights and Reproductions
Visitors may purchase commercial-quality photographs or obtain permission for image reproduction of the collections by contacting Visual Resources at 202.243.3933 or email [email protected]. Members of the press should contact the communications office at 202.243.3975 or email [email protected].

Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens may photograph or videotape its public programs for educational, archival, and publicity purposes.

Unless you notify the photographer otherwise, your attendance at a program grants Hillwood permission to display and/or publish any photograph in which you appear.

These photographs may be used in any and all of Hillwood’s publications and in any and all other media without limitation or reservation, and are not subject to compensation. These materials will become the property of Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens.