French drawing room at Hillwood


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Sea Cloud Lecture Series

Travel the seas through one of history’s most famous yachts, Sea Cloud! This three-part lecture series, part of the exhibition Setting Sail: The Story of Sea Cloud, will take place on Thursdays in March, exploring topics such as the story of Captain Skinner, the famed artist Jacob Lawrence who served on Sea Cloud, and a tour through the ship with the exhibition's curator, Thomas Wu.

Date Range

Upcoming Events

Join Master Chief Vince Patton for an evening exploring Sea Cloud's role in Coast Guard history and the story of Captain Carlton Skinner, commander of Sea Cloud during WWII.

Thursday 6 March - 5:30 to 7:30pm

Artist Jacob Lawrence was drafted into the US Coast Guard in October 1943 and joined the crew of Sea Cloud at the end of that year. Join us for this lecture by Dr. Kimberli Gant, taking us on the travels Jacob Lawrence experienced after his time on Sea Cloud!

Thursday 13 March - 5:30 to 8:00pm

Join curator Thomas Wu for in-depth tour of Marjorie Merriweather Post’s storied sailing yacht Sea Cloud!

Thursday 27 March - 5:30 to 7:30pm