Creator(s): Unknown (Silversmith)
Currently in storage
About this object
Torah pointer has on one end a hand with a long finger for following the text. Handle has an engraved floral motif on a niello background. At one end is a chain for holding on the wrist. Used in Jewish services.
- Object name:
- Made from:
- Silver -- niello
- Made in:
- Moscow, Russia
- Date made:
- 19th c.
- Size:
- 32.5 cm (12 13/16 in.)
Detailed information for this item
- Catalog number:
- 13.18
- Class:
- Signature marks:
- MARK on one end: St. George and the Dragon for Moscow, 84 for silver standard, illegible number stamped
- Credit line:
- Bequest of Marjorie Merriweather Post, 1973