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Creator(s): Pavel Ovchinnikov (Firm) , Vasilii Semenov (Silversmith)

On view in: Icon Room

About this object

Arabesque in niello on a stippled ground covering part of the sides of the bucket and handle. Four medallions, one with a view of the Kremlin, another with a view of the Spasskaya Tower, both of them in niello on silver; and two vacant ones for the owner's monogram.

Object name:
Made from:
Silver gilt -- niello
Made in:
Moscow, Russia
Date made:
1884 (?)
13 cm (5 1/8 in.)

Detailed information for this item

Catalog number:
Signature marks:
MARK on bottom: St. George and the Dragon, 84, partially visible VS in Cyrillic (most likely for Semenov, Vasilii), workmaster's mark is overstamped with retailer mark Ovchinnikov in Cyrillic under double headed eagle; number 66 scratched; handle: 84 Some workshops such as V.Semenov and F.Ruckert are known to sell their goods through retail shops that belonged to Ovchinnikov Firm.
Credit line:
Bequest of Marjorie Merriweather Post, 1973