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Creator(s): Fabergé (Firm) , Julius Rappoport (Workmaster)

On view in: Icon Room

About this object

This clock was presented by the officers of the Imperial Horse Guards to Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich (Pavel Aleksandrovich), uncle of Nicholas II and their regimental commander, on the occasion of the end of his command. It displays the regimental banner of the Horse Guards on the front, and the names of fifty-five fellow officers are engraved on the back. The chief decoration comprises military drums that serve as inkwells and trophies rendered in silver gilt. A concealed music box within the clock plays The March of the Imperial Guards.

The white onyx base, mounted in silver with silver feet, is in two main sections, the lower section rectangular in front and with curved ends. At the front is a cartouche with laurel leaves, Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich's cipher surmounted by the Russian imperial crown and a cluster of armor, helmet with the double-headed eagle, drums, trumpets, standards, swords, etc., all this being in silver gilt. At either end is a drum-shaped inkwell in silver gilt with royal blue enamel decorated with the ciphers of Alexander III and Nicholas II and stars of the imperial orders in silver on the royal blue enamel ground. On the small onyx section sits the rectangular clock in the shape of a tapering rectangular. This is in silver with royal blue enamel and surmounted by a statuette of the imperial double-headed eagle with the imperial crown all in silver gilt.

Object name:
Made from:
Silver gilt -- enamel -- copper -- gilt metal -- glass -- white onyx -- marble
Made in:
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Date made:
c. 1896
67.3 × 61.6 cm (26 1/2 × 24 1/4 in.)

Detailed information for this item

Catalog number:
Signature marks:
MARKS Fabergé [in Cyrillic with Imperial warrant]; 88 [silver standard]; crossed anchors for St. Petersburg; IP for Julius Rappoport MONOGRAMS Crowned AIII and H II [A III for Alexander III; N II in Cyrillic for Nicholas II] [on miniature drums]; ПА [PA in Cyrillic under crown for Paul Aelandrovich] [On front] DATES 1890; 1896 [On lateral sides of clock] INSCRIPTIONS Пределовъ Поссiи 1812 г / 1832 года / За Взятiе Устерлицe / Непрiят то знамя / За отличiе при поражен / 1721 г. Кроншлотскiи драгунскiи полкъ / / И Изган [?] ля Изъ [engavred in cyrillic on the regiment's banner on front of clock]; His Imperial Higness Grand Duke Dmity Konstantinovich, Adjutant General Count Protasov-Bakhmetev, Adjutant General Baron Fredericks, Major General Prince Odoevsky-Maslov, Lieutenant General Bloch, Major General Novosiltsov; Colonels: Aide-de-camp Baron Meyendorff, Pereislavets, Baron Girard de Soucanton; Cavalry Captains: Teliakovsky, Baron Wolff, Aide-de-camp Prince Obolensky, Miller; Staff Cavalry Captains: Prince Kozlovsky, Khan Nakhichevansky, von Bünting, Molostvov I, Blüchin, Count Shuvalov, Derozhinsky I, Marchenko, Bezobrazov, Prince Trubetskoy; Lieutenants: Count Gudovich, Krasovsky, Vuich, Karmalin, Molostvov II, Kniazhevich, Baron Wrangel, Prince Manvelev, Count Nirod, Duke Leuchtenberg; Cornets: Likhachov II, Solovev, Spechinsky, Zolotnitsky, Bulgarin, Derozhinsky II, Prince Dolgoruky, Baron Korff, Lieutenant General Strukov, Colonel Tisdell, Colonel Hartong, Colonel Prince Bagration-Mukhransky, Colonel Trepov, Cavalry captain von Pistohlkors, Captain Roop, Cavalry Captain Levitsky, Staff Cavalry Captain Efimovich, Staff Cavalry Captain Neratov, Lieutenant Khripunov, Lieutenant Count Tyshkevich, Lieutenant Prince Beloselsky-Belozersky, Lieutenant Glinka, Cornet Polovtsev, Cornet Krivoshein, Lieutenant Prince Dolgoroukov [Engraved in Cyrillic on back of clock]
Credit line:
Bequest of Marjorie Merriweather Post, 1973