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Creator(s): Unknown (Goldsmith)

Currently in storage

About this object

This oval, hinged box features medallions with figures in chased gold relief on the lid, bottom, and all four sides, and panels or roundels of moss agate. On the lid, the figure on the right offers grapes to the seated woman at the center. The figure to the left of the scene holds a sickle and a sheaf of wheat. A winged figure at the upper left raises a garland of flowers which is also held by a putto bearing a wreath of lilies. The medallion on the bottom features a double-headed eagle in the clouds, surrounded by a floral wreath. At the lower left is a winged putto holding a banderole with the inscription "A la reine," or "To the Queen." The medallions on the sides include putti with attributes of the four seasons. The medallions are framed by chased gold leaves, while the lid and the bottom are edged by chased laurel leaves and berries. The box possibly commemorates the birth of one of Queen Marie Antoinette's children.

An oval hinged box. There is one medallion on the lid, another on the bottom and four on the sides which contain figures in chased gold relief. On the lid is a scene with a seated woman in the center, a figure at the right offering her some grapes, a figure at the left holding a sickle and a sheaf of wheat. A winged figure at the upper left raises a garland of flowers which is also held by a putto holding a wreath of lilies. The medallion on the bottom shows a double headed eagle in the clouds and surrounded by a floral wreath. At the lower left is a winged putto holding a banderole with an inscription. On the sides are putti showing the attributes of the seasons. All the medallions are framed by chased gold leaves. The lid and the bottom are edged by chased laurel leaves and berries. All the faces are set with panels of moss agate, some within roundels.

Object name:
Made from:
Gold -- moss agate
Made in:
Paris, France
Date made:
ca. 1785
H. 1 1/2 × W. 3 1/8 × D. 2 1/2 in. (3.8 × 7.9 × 6.4 cm)

Detailed information for this item

Catalog number:
Signature marks:
MARK: Eagle facing right (guarantee for gold, 1839); Bird's head facing left (discharge mark of Henry Clavel for small works in gold, 1783-89); illegible faint marks [Inside lid and bottom] INSCRIPTION: A La Reine [on front in banner carried by cupid]
Credit line:
Bequest of Marjorie Merriweather Post, 1973